
In Everything Give Honour to God

We have curated a collection of relevant resources that we hope, will help you get an insight on the subjects of Race & Justice, Faith in the Workplace, and Creation Care. Faith is not meant to be a Sunday exercise. As Christians, our calling is to live for Jesus, and that includes being present participating in dialogues around every sphere of life. Find out most recent resources below.

Race, Faith & Justice

We are a house of prayer for all nations. We believe we are called to minister and make room for all people within the church; through our welcome, worship and witness. We have put together a list of useful resources that we hope, will provide foundational knowledge about race and why it is relevant to us, as Christians and members of the larger society.

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Faith & Work

Our aim is to equip people to understand more about how the Christian faith is relevant to all aspects of everyday life. We’ve curated a wide range of resources to help you learn more, go deeper, discover new ideas and understand why your daily work matters to God and why God should matter to your work.

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Creation Care

We believe that God has made humanity in his image – and as his image bearers we have a responsibility to care for and work with the good environment God has created. Find more resources on Climate Change, Theology of Creation Care, Church of England, Action, Reflections, worship and reading lists.

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