Generosity is a natural response when we encounter God’s love towards us.
We believe that a vital part of belonging is helping to build the kingdom of God through our sacrificial giving. Making a regular financial contribution to the work of the local church is not only biblical but a very practical way of standing shoulder to shoulder with the whole church and demonstrating your commitment and support.
Give Regularly
This is a simple and easy way to give. If you would like to give by card please follow the link to setup a regular donation on ChurchSuite.
The best, most effective way of giving is to contact your bank and set up a monthly Standing Order through online banking or by contacting your bank. Please also fill in the form above in order to let us know you are giving regularly and, if you are a taxpayer, to make a Gift Aid declaration.
Make a one-off donation
Give by Card
If you would like to give by card please following the link to make a one off donation online on ChurchSuite.
Bank Transfer
To make a one off donation by bank transfer please use the following details:
Account name: St Aldates PCC
Bank branch address: HSBC, 65 Cornmarket St, OX1 3HY
Account Number: 71726633
Sort code: 40-35-34
Account Type: Business
If you are a taxpayer, please make a Gift Aid declaration. For international bank transfers go here,
Text Giving
You can also give one-off gifts by texting ‘ALDATES 10’ to 70085 to donate £10 ‘or ALDATES 20’ to 70085 to donate £20
Special Project
Every ministry at St Aldates benefits from the foresight of previous generations who invested in infrastructure – the “bricks and mortar” of the church building, the Parish Centre, the Catacombs prayer and youth space or Commonwealth House. All of these buildings enable God’s work at St Aldates and we could not carry out such a wide range of ministry without them.
We now have an exciting opportunity to invest in a residential property close to the church. Email accounts@staldates.org.uk if you want to be part of this.
Get in touch
If you have any questions about giving to St Aldates or to let us know about any changes in your giving, please email accounts@staldates.org.uk
St Aldates is a registered charity no. 1131154
The work of St Aldates, clergy and staff salaries and property are all financed mainly from the contributions of its members. Additional income is raised through the commercial letting of our facilities to local charities, businesses and government for the upkeep of these facilities. A full financial report, audited accounts and annual budget are published each year and made available at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting. The elected PCC scrutinises and authorises expenditure throughout the year.
In addition, 10% of money received by St Aldates is given to mission partners and projects overseas and in the UK. Occasionally we will take up special offerings in the event of a disaster or a missionary endeavour, etc. These are taken in addition to regular giving.