The School of Preaching exists to raise up, equip and send out emerging preachers and communicators. We invest in those who want to sharpen their skillset and discover their full speaking potential. A number of key leaders and preachers have come through our cohorts over the years.
We're excited for its return in 2025 and hope to identify and train the next generation of outstanding Christian communicators. We want to invest, equip and develop emerging leaders in their 20s and 30s to grow in their ability to preach, teach and communicate the Gospel in bold, creative and innovative ways. The School of Preaching will be led by Stephen Foster and Katherine Chow drawing in a number of different contributors.
The course will involve three weekday evenings (7pm to 9.15pm) and one weekend overnight retreat in Reading (Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon). Two cohorts will run concurrently in-person at London and Oxford so you have the option to engage in the course in two possible locations.
We will combine teaching content/input, facilitated interactive training exercises, small group work and projects, practical pointers on talk preparation and delivery, content curation, connecting with your audience, creating a strong feedback loop and communicating to make an impact. The dynamic and interactive training programme will equip emerging speakers to prepare and deliver talks which will make real impact.
London (St Mellitus College, SW5 0LX) and Oxford (Said Business School) – with an overnight at a location in Reading.
London cohort dates: 10th, 17th, 24th March (24 hour retreat 28th-29th March)
Oxford cohort dates: 12th, 19th and 26th March (24 hour retreat 28th-29th March) -
If you are 20-30 and interested about finding out more, please apply below. The course will cost £100 for the entirety but bursaries are available for anyone who might find that money would stop them applying.