From the beginning, we believe it was always God’s intention to commune with us in love. But because of our sin, we were separated from him, and so God sent his son Jesus to reconcile us to himself.

It is our joy to be used by God to go out into the world and invite people to know him, equip them to follow him and inspire them to transform the world with him!


So many people are exploring faith at the moment. We want to invite everyone to encounter Jesus and experience his life changing love.

Invite your friends to: Alpha | Sundays


The Christian life isn’t always easy, but we believe that it is the life most worth living. So, we want to equip followers of Jesus to live wholeheartedly for him no matter what challenges may come.


The gospel isn’t just good new for us, but also for the places we live, study and work. We want to inspire people be a living testimony of God’s love and power in order to go out and transform the world!

Be inspired to transform your context at: Youth | Students | Postgrads | ACT

How to get involved!

Everything we do at Aldates is underpinned by prayer. We believe that when we pray, it changes things! We’d love you to pray for all that we are doing in our church.

Find out when we pray together.

Making a regular or one-off financial contribution towards what God is doing in and through our church is not only biblical, but a very practical way of playing your part in building God’s Kingdom!

Find out how you can give here.

We wouldn’t be able to do half of what we do as a church without the help of our volunteer teams! If you’re looking for a practical way to serve, the joining a team is a great place to start.

Sign up to a team here.