following Jesus.
Are you a new Christian or exploring faith? There are some things we’d love to suggest you might consider
1. Connect.
If you’d like to meet for a coffee with a St Aldates team member to find out more about our church or talk about the journey you’re on.
2. Get mentored.
Join our Good Ground pathway where two or three people meet together weekly with a pair of experienced mentors. With opportunity to read the Bible together, pray, and make new friends along the way. Find out more on Good Ground here.
3. Start reading the Bible at home.
Reading the Bible.
The Bible is the most powerful book that has ever been written. It was never meant to merely inform us. The Bible was meant to transform us - it’s like a love letter from God to us! It’s made up of 66 books with a whole range of different styles of writing, including history, poetry, allegory, Gospels and letters. It covers more than a thousand years of history. The 39 books of the Old Testament are the story of God and his people before the coming of the Messiah - Jesus. The 27 books of the New Testament pick up the story beginning with the Birth of Jesus. It was written by human beings but it was inspired by God and he is still speaking to people all over the world today through it. All that being said… It can feel overwhelming picking up this book and knowing where to start!
So here are 7 simple steps to get you going:
1. Start today!
2. Begin with a Gospel
An eyewitness account of Jesus’ life (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John).
3. Pray before you read
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand and to help you know God more.
4. Read a short passage
You may want to underline parts or write down a verse that stands out to you. Don’t worry if you don’t understand it all. You can come back to it again.
5. Ask yourself:
What does it say about God?
What does it say about people?
What does it mean to me?
6. Respond in prayer
Be real with God, thank him for his word and what you have learnt, talk to him about your day and listen to what he might be saying to you.
7. Put it into practice
How can you live out what God is showing you in the Bible today?